
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Organizing Tips

One thing that I love to do is organize, so here are some tips that I have found helpful for keeping things in order.
  1. JARS: jars are a great way to keep clutter from collecting around certain areas of the house. Displayed in the first picture are jars that I use in my craft room to hold items such as: buttons, loose ribbons, and fabric scraps. Jars can also double as a decoration in a room, depending upon what you put inside of them. Some places to find jars at reasonable prices: Michael's, Target, Wal-mart, and Ikea. Jars are also great to use in the kitchen pantry for food items that you always have on hand. It keeps the pantry looking neat and organized, and also keeps the item fresher longer.
  2. DRAWERS: these drawers are nice because they are fairly small and also have a place for labels. This allows for each drawer to not become overloaded with many different objects. This way you can know exactly where each item is and where to put it back when you're finished using it. The drawers shown above are from Micheal's and can be purchase either on sale or with a weekly coupon.
  3. PAPER CUBBYHOLES: if you like to scrapbook or do any kind of crafting I am sure you have lots of paper laying around. These cubbyholes are a great way to keep papers organized by color or theme, and from getting bent or torn. They are from Micheal's and can be stacked with the other drawer organizers. They can also be purchased with weekly coupons to save money.

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