
Monday, May 2, 2011

Cake Pops

Cake Pops with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Make your favorite white cake recipe and cookie dough recipe (without eggs). Roll the cookie dough into small balls. Spoon about 1 Tablespoon or less of the cake batter into each hole of the Babycake cake pop maker once it is preheated. Then take the small balls of cookie dough and press them down into the batter. Close the lid and wait about 5 minutes while they cook.

 After about five minutes they should be done, however the tops will be lighter in color then the bottoms of the cake balls. Remove them from the cake pop maker using the prongs that are included, and let them cool.

 Once they have cooled dip the sticks into some of the melted chocolate (I used Almond Bark, you can find it in the baking isle at most grocery stores) and stick into the center of each cake ball. Next place them into the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes to let them set. This helps them from falling off the stick when covering with the chocolate.

 Once they are covered with the chocolate place them in the holding tray (also included with the cake pop maker) to dry. They can be stored at room temperature in an air tight container for about 3 days.
Using the Babycakes cake pop maker machine makes the cake pops a little different then how cake pops are typically made. You do not mix frosting into the cake. This makes they cake pops not as sweet and more light and fluffy then dense. They turned out pretty good, I am going to experiment some more with different recipes to use for the batter.


  1. These look great!
    I just got my cake pop maker.
    Are we able to use regular cake mix ?
    I know the cake maker comes with recipies but to be honest that could be a bit pricy.

    1. yes you can use regular cake mix, I do and they turn out great.
      Im going to try a boxed blueberry muffin mix next. I just love this thing.

  2. You should definitely do more recipes for the cakepop maker! :D

  3. My 12 yr old LOVES her cake pop maker :) she makes brownies too


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