
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wedding Craft Party

One of my friends is getting married in just a few weeks and we gathered a bunch of the girls together to help her assemble some of her DIY wedding projects. We assembled her centerpieces; which are branches she found in a tree grove with tiny yellow silk flowers glued onto them. Those turned out really great, however I forgot to get a picture of them. The other project wasn't such a success; however we are going to give it another go. We attempted to make a doily lamp that can be found here at More Design Please. I think where we went wrong was using Mod Podge instead of wall paper glue like the tutorial said to. We thought it would be the same thing, but when I popped the balloon the doilies all stuck to the balloon. We still had a great time hanging out and crafting together. We had grapefruit mojitos, you can get the recipe below or here. I made chocolate covered oreos, strawberry whoopie pies, cake pops, and popcorn. 
Junkie handmade projects


  1. Im so glad that im not the only one that made the mod podge mistake on this, mine failed miserably! I read another alternative to the walpaper glue is a mixture of school glue, corn starch and water. Im excited to see if this works better, although i will have to be more patient this time and wait the 24-48 hrs like it suggests lol.. Thanks so much for all your fun ideas, I love visiting your blog :)

  2. I came across your blog. I love the pops. I am definitely going to have to try those. You come up with cute ideas. I have actually just started a blog. If you would like to follow it is
    And I will be following you.. :)

  3. So for anyone that has tried and failed making the doily lamp...use sugar water instead of mod podge or wall paper paste. 3 cups of sugar mixed into 1 cup of water. Lay down trash bags underneath of the balloons while they hang to dry.

  4. What a good friend you are!! the chocolate covered Oreos sound to die for!


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