
Sunday, September 18, 2011

DIY Kids Halloween Costume Ideas


Some great Halloween costume ideas from over at Disney's Family Fun site. These are just a few from their large selection of creative DIY Halloween costumes for kids of all ages. They also provide detailed instructions on how to make each costume, including a material list. Click the links below each picture to see how to make each one.
I am not positive what Hudson and Max are going to be yet this year. Hudson keeps changing his mind...but I am thinking he is going to end up being Buzz Lightyear. Nothing very creative, but it's his favorite! :)


  1. They are adorable. My favorite is the paper doll!

  2. I'm dying over that gnome costume. Doubt my 9 year old will go for it!
    What fun ideas :)

  3. I saw that paper doll costume on Pinterest last night... isn't that such an awesome costume!! I used to play with those all the time when I was little.. oh the memories :)


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